Why Are LED Flexible Strips Different From Flexible Neon LED Strips?
Do you understand what sets LED flexible strips apart from flexible neon led strips? Let Ledia Lighting’s experts fill you in if you don’t already know: An increasingly common led innovation in recent years is flexible neon led strips. The optical cables and glass neon tubes that were missing seemed to be totally replaced, making up for their absence.
The benefits of flexible led light strips over glass neon tubes include:
Low energy usage and secure bottom voltage. It typically functions under 24V because the light source is a led. 4.7W/M (red, yellow, and orange) and 6.6W/M of power are used (green, blue, white).
Imported high-brightness leds are connected in series to create the light source’s high brightness. The key component of the overall luminous look and high brightness is the encrypted arrangement of 80 or 90 leds per meter.
Durability and longevity: This lamp, which is based on LED technology and has a new structure, can reach a very long service life of 60,000 hours under any conditions. Because glass neon lights are not a factor, its endurance is unmatched when compared to glass neon strips. Broken issue (PVC plastic lamp body.
Energy Efficiency:The adjustable full-body light strip can reduce energy and electricity expenses by more than 80%.
Safety: While the flexible full-body light strip may run normally at a low voltage of 24V, the glass neon light requires a high voltage of 15,000V to do so. Additionally, because of its shock resistance and minimal heat loss, its use is incredibly safe.
Please give Ledia Lighting a thought if you’re searching for a reliable supplier of smart linear lighting solutions. Our organization has consistently insisted on using technology to create lighting value while putting up significant effort to accomplish the team’s dream. Our mission is to maintain a focus on the customer, produce with rigor, and maximize customer advantages.